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How To Preserve Muscle Mass While Losing Fat

By Eat Clean Bro  •   5 minute read

How To Preserve Muscle Mass While Losing Fat
How To Preserve Muscle Mass While Losing Fat
Many dieters aim to lose bodyfat without losing muscle mass. This is a real challenge and requires discipline because the body breaks down muscle tissue for fuel when you are in a caloric deficit. To prevent this and preserve muscle mass while dieting, one must follow specific guidelines. Here are 15 ways how to preserve muscle mass while losing fat.

1) Carb cycling

Any dieter who has been doing their research is likely to be familiar with carb cycling. This dieting method involves eating more carbs on training days and less on rest days. The logic behind this is that it allows the muscles to refill their glycogen stores fully and replenish the body's energy supply in preparation for training. It also increases the body's insulin sensitivity so that more fat is broken down and used as fuel.

2) Low intensity fasted cardio

Fasted cardio means performing cardiovascular activity while your body has no food or minimal food intake. This is a popular method among those who want to lose fat while preserving muscle mass because it lowers insulin levels and as a result, your body has no choice but to burn fat for energy.

3) Cardio Timing

Ideally, if you are going to do your cardio before or after your weight training, you should be doing your cardio after your workout. Intense weight is great for burning calories and bodyfat! And intense cardio before your weight training could hinder your performance in the gym. Do your cardio after your weight lifting if they're occurring back to back. 

4) Don't train too close to your bedtime

It is best to get your workout done in the morning OR at least 4-5 hours before you go to bed. When you sleep, your body releases human growth hormone (HGH), essential for muscle building.


5) Slow training, good form, & more repetitions 

This is another popular fat loss training tactic that preserves muscle mass while burning fat in the most efficient way possible since it lowers cortisol levels. Time under tension on your lifts, strict movements and high preps! 

6) Aerobic workouts via bicycles, elliptical, treadmills and steppers

These machine-based exercises are a great supplement to any resistance training program and help you burn more calories to ultimately lose fat. They also increase your overall fitness level and keep your heart healthy.

7) Stay active throughout the day

It's possible but not ideal to rely on an hour-long workout as your only activity throughout the day! Get up and move, stretch, go for a walk on a lunch break, and keep your body moving! A body in motion stays in motion! 

8) Check fat loss records to see what works for your body

If you have been following a specific diet and have not seen the success, it is not necessarily because your eating plan is flawed. It could be that your particular body type requires different eating strategies than someone else's body type might require. The body type that requires the fattest loss in the shortest period would be called "ectomorphs."

9) Learn how to manipulate your insulin levels

Insulin sensitivity is a huge factor when it comes to losing weight and preserving muscle mass. If you are not familiar with insulin resistance, sometimes the body has trouble using insulin efficiently for energy. This can happen for several reasons when dieting, but it usually occurs because your body does not have enough nutrients to build muscle tissue from or burn fat. When this happens, you need to learn how to manipulate foods to increase your insulin sensitivity.

10) Eat healthier / More greens

This seems like a no-brainer, but dieting often forgets that the food you put into your body affects several different aspects. Eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits is essential for maintaining physical energy. Your body needs fat-soluble vitamins to maintain muscle mass, so if you are eating a lot of processed foods, this could be why you are not preserving muscle mass while dieting.

11) Eat enough protein

This is extremely important. Your goal should be to eat AT LEAST 1 gram per pound of body weight daily, so most male athletes should have about 150-200 grams of protein per day and female athletes about 120 grams.

12) Eat every 2-3 hours

Your body needs a constant supply of energy to maintain muscle mass, so this is the best way not to lose too much muscle while dieting. It also keeps your metabolism working and helps promote fat loss.

13) Avoid high glycemic foods

Fructose, honey, agave nectar, rice, and corn syrup are all very sweet and should be avoided or rarely used since they cause a spike in insulin levels. However, if you have no other option, they can be used in moderation to prevent hunger. Once you learn more about food and nutrition, you will realize that many different kinds of foods are healthy for your body.

14) Keep a food log to keep track of what you are eating

Most people have a hard time estimating how many calories they are consuming each day, so this is an excellent way to control your diet better. It can also be used as a basis for further nutrition research.

15) Learn about body fat testing

This is an excellent way to determine if you are losing the right kind of weight or if you need to change your diet or exercise plan to lose fat faster and preserve muscle mass at the same time.


In summary, you are not alone if you look for successful fat loss advice. Leaning out is the best way to go. Even pro bodybuilders and athletes find it necessary to lose weight, so don't be discouraged if your progress is taking a little longer than expected!
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