The Importance of Tracking Your Macros

The Importance of Tracking Your Macros

The Importance Of Tracking Your Macros

Calories matter a lot because you can only lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. Counting macros is a game-changer as it helps you understand where the macros are coming from and how they impact your body. In addition, it helps you understand that calories are not equal. Nutrition density is important to ensure you consume the right food and amount of macros based on your fitness goals.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients, also called macros, are the essential three food groups you need to perform various activities. The three macros have different nutrition roles and affect your body in different ways depending on how they are digested. You need to understand your body's reaction to each macronutrient and develop a diet plan that will give your body sufficient energy while supporting muscle growth, weight loss, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Why You Should Count Your Macros

Macro tracking sounds hard, but you should decide if it is worth it. Macro tracking is commonly referred to as flexible dieting since it involves consuming actual foods without depriving your body of the essential nutrients. Counting macros can help satiate your body, maintain lean muscle mass, and lose stubborn fat. However, note that counting macros does not mean you are eating healthy. You can attain your macro goals without ingesting vegetables, so experts advise paying attention to what you eat and not just the amount of calories.

A macronutrient diet does not include vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and phytochemicals, and other nutrients which are vital for good health. Other experts also argue that monitoring your calories simplifies things, and it does not address the emotional and behavioral aspects of overeating disorder. However, a macronutrient diet is the best place to start our fitness goals because each food you ingest has carbohydrates, proteins, and fat which are the building blocks that fuel your life.

Macro counting involves eating a specific quantity of each macronutrient to meet your goals. You also need to base the amount of each food group on your caloric needs. Tracking your macronutrients has the following benefits.

You Know What You Are Consuming

When you track your macros for a few weeks, you will get a better understanding of your food intake. The information will allow you to spot any changes in your weight loss journey and adjust to achieve your fitness goals.

Prevent Health Conditions

Some research explains that counting macros may help prevent specific health issues. According to evidence-based studies, young adults consume 6 % of proteins every day and increase the amount to 17 % as they age to minimize the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. What’s more, a diet rich in carbs may help cure and protect against heart conditions and diabetes. If you have diabetes or other conditions, it is better to consult a medical practitioner for dietary guidance.

You Can Prevent Nutritional Deficiencies

You can easily overlook the nutritional content of your food intake if you only focus on the calories. Macro tracking will ensure you get the right amount of nutrients and prevent issues such as depression, infections, and weaknesses.

Helps Maintain the Proper Weight and Reach Your Fitness Goals

Maintaining a moderate weight requires you to count your macronutrients. A starch-based carbs diet with about 7 to 15% fat-can help decrease the percentage of fats in the body and reduce complications resulting from obesity.

Tracking the quantity of food and nutrients, you ingest for an extended period will enable you to maintain the ideal weight. In addition, you will reach the desired fitness goals. When exercising, you need to take a diet with plenty of proteins like 1.4-2 grams per kilogram of your weight to ensure muscle mass.

Macro Tracking Helps Change Your Metabolic Rate

Metabolism is the rate at which the body converts food consumed into energy. Metabolism is fundamental in weight management. Macronutrients impact differently on your metabolism-Protein is the most complex macronutrient; therefore, it has the greatest influence on your metabolism. Proteins can increase your metabolic rate by approximately 15-30%. On the other hand, carbohydrates can raise your metabolic rate by about 5-10%, then fats by 0-3%.


Macronutrients tracking is also known as flexible dieting since you do not need to cut out specific foods. You can consume any food you want as long as they align with your macronutrients quantities.

Allows Efficient Muscle-Building

Each macronutrient will differently affect the muscle-building and preservation process. If you want to build your muscles and maintain the proper weight, you need to have a high protein diet. In addition to building lean muscles, high protein intake helps repair muscle damage and support the existing muscles.

What is the Purpose of-Proteins, Carbs, and-Fats

The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Combining these nutrients in your diet is crucial to maintaining your health and bodily functions.


The calorific content of carbs is four calories per gram. Carbs are the major energy source in your body, and they are easily digested. The best sources of nutrients are whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and barley. Carbohydrates ensure the proper functioning of your body and provide the glucose your body needs to convert energy to fuel the bodily systems and muscles. Carbs are classified as simple and complex depending on the length of the carbohydrate molecule. Simple and complex carbohydrates have different chemical structures and are absorbed differently by the body.


The calorie breakdown for this macro is four calories per gram. Proteins are made of long-chain amino acids, and they are the most vital nutrients in building, repairing, and maintaining lean body muscles. Proteins help to increase your metabolic rate and improve your immune system by building and repairing your muscle mass. Moreover, proteins form vita hormones and enzymes, and it also reserves energy when the body depletes its carbs. Your body needs plenty of energy to digest proteins than fats and carbs; thus, they help you feel fuller for hours. Fewer proteins in the body lead to poor immunity, weakness, and feelings of fatigue. The best sources of proteins are meat, dairy products, greek yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, lean ground beef, and lentils.


The calorie breakdown of fats is nine calories per gram. Fats are divided into two: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are found in chia seeds, avocadoes, walnuts, olive oil, and fatty fish. Fats are another long vilified macro, and it is vital to your body due to their energy concentration. Fats have various functions, including being critical for intake of Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Additionally, they help regulate hormones and insulate your body.

While the article has focused on macro tracking and its benefits to weight management, it can also help individuals gain weight. It would be best to discuss with your physician before you begin a new diet to ensure it is safe for your health. Remember that an effective workout routine and observing a healthy diet will help you lose to maintain the ideal weight. As much as counting macronutrients is beneficial to individuals wishing to maintain moderate weight, it may not be suitable for people with disordered eating. You need to eat clean bro while tracking your macronutrients to ensure overall body health.

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