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Why are Vegetables important?!

By Eat Clean Bro  •   4 minute read

Why are Vegetables important?!
The importance of vegetables

Vegetables are an essential staple in what would be a healthy and well-balanced diet for anyone, regardless of the individual or their goals! They provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also have many other beneficial effects on your body, including reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. They are one of the essential elements of any healthy diet. They are low in calories and contain nutrients that can help improve your health. And here are a few reasons why vegetables are important for a healthy diet!

1. Fight Inflammation

Getting in your vegetables has so many benefits and one of the most beneficial things is that vegetables help fight inflammation! Inflammation is one of the most significant factors contributing to many diseases, and health problems, including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and type of diabetes. Vegetables provide a good source of fiber which helps to keep your digestive system functioning correctly as well! 

2. Improve Blood Pressure

Vegetables are packed with nutrients that are known to help lower blood pressure. On top of that, they also contain fiber, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They are high in potassium which can help to lower blood pressure. When your blood pressure is high, it puts extra strain on the heart, leading to an increase in heart disease. Your risk of developing high blood pressure increases by at least 20% for every 200 milligrams of potassium you consume daily. However, this is not the only way they can help control your blood pressure. They also contain magnesium, and calcium, both of which are essential components of your body's natural mineral balance.

3. Help Your Eyes

Vitamin A is a nutrient that is crucial for your body's immune system. It also helps to reduce the risk of eye problems such as cataracts, and macular degeneration. The primary source of vitamin A in foods come from dark green, yellow, and orange fruits like carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, mangoes, watermelons, and cantaloupe. Beta Carotene can help protect your eyes from certain eye diseases. Beta Carotene is also what also helps reduce inflammation in the body that we talked about earlier. And Foods rich in beta carotene include green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale, and yellow, or orange fruits like carrots, or mangoes.

4. Improves Digestive Health

A diet rich in vegetables can improve your digestive health. They help move food through your body more efficiently and reduce the risk of constipation. Fiber also promotes healthy bowel movements and can help you feel good. Vegetables contain fiber, which helps break down food and move it through your digestive system. They also have water and other essential nutrients, which help keep the body healthy. They contain enzymes that can help break down the food into small particles to be absorbed.

5. Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Vegetables as already touched on are proven to lower your risk of dying from heart disease. Veggie consumption is essential for reducing cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease. The most apparent reason they are so important is that they are low in calories. The average serving of a vegetable contains only 20 calories, while the same serving of a meat or fish dish contains about 120-140 calories. According to the World Health Organization, women should eat at least five servings of them every day, and men should eat at least three servings. This is an easy way to reduce your risk of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.

6. Diabetes Control

Vegetables are a good source of fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels when you have diabetes. They also contain essential nutrients such as potassium, which helps to regulate the body's fluid balance. This includes diabetes control. A single serving of fruit contains 3 grams, and a single serving of bread only 1 gram. Fiber takes about an hour to be digested. This means that the fiber acts as a prebiotic in the colon, promoting the growth of good bacteria and reducing colon cancer risk.

7. Reduce Risk of Cancer

Vegetables are extremely rich in phytoestrogens, a type of plant-based estrogen. This is important because it means that vegetables in essence can help prevent cancer. It's been shown that people who eat diets rich in vegetables have a lower risk of breast cancer. Phytoestrogens have also been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, colon cancer, and possibly even skin cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, are particularly good for reducing the risk of these cancers. They contain a compound called sulforaphane, which is found in large amounts in broccoli sprouts. This is because they have a glucosinolate substance that's formed when the plant is damaged by water or heat. One study showed that women who ate five servings of cruciferous per week had a lower risk of breast cancer than women who ate less than one serving per week.

8. Keep Your Brain Young

A healthy brain is essential for your overall health. It also promotes good memory and concentration. Your brain also needs a supply of nutrients to function properly. They are low in calories, and as a result, they are an excellent option for people who want to lose weight. You can eat a stomach full of vegetables in one sitting without having to excessively count calories or feeling guilty about overeating! If you are looking to improve your health, you should make vegetables a part as many meals as possible! 
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